It's been a while since I've posted an update about Norah and she sure has changed a lot since I have! She's been crawling for about a month now and she doesn't stop! She is constantly moving and exploring (just like her daddy), pulling herself up onto things and cruising across the couch. She weighs 16 lbs (15th percentile) and her length is the same as it was three months ago which brought her from the 96th percentile to the 33rd! It's amazing to think about how fast she grew during her first few months of life and then slowed down tremendously! That's OK though, we (and the Dr.) aren't worried about it.
I pretty much only nurse her in the morning and at night now. During the day she takes a bottle; half formula, half Lactaid whole milk and two teaspoons of Carnation Instant Breakfast (she loves the taste and we get more calories in her, it works out great). She is going through a phase where she will only eat if she's feeding herself. So, I put some pieces of carrots, peas, peaches or pears in front of her and somehow manage to get the baby food in her mouth in mid motion. She also loves to feed Owen from her high chair. Owen is thrilled about it - us, not so much.
She waves "hi" and "bye" every time she hears the words. This past Sunday while on Skype with Grandpa and Grandma Brown she even said "hi," twice! It was adorable of course. She said "hot" this morning while helping Joe make breakfast. She does "so big" when we say "soo big" and claps when we say "yayyy." She recognizes what a ball is, her blankie, trees, flowers, and of course Owen. It's incredible how fast she learns! She is really interacting with us more and more and it is so much fun. We love our little bug!

Sharing an apple with Daddy.
Since yesterday was Father's Day I do have to brag about my husband. He is the best father and Norah and I are so lucky to have him! Norah is such a Daddy's girl and it's amazing to see how much influence he has on her already. He has taught her everything she knows (seriously, I can't take the credit). Her face lights up and she claps her hands when he comes home from work. Then they just giggle for the rest of the night. I just melt when I watch them together. They are the loves of my life!
Doubling up in the stroller with her buddy Enoch.
Guess who Norah is laughing at :)
she sure is growing fast! And is so adorable too!
ReplyDeleteHey Lauren!! How are you guys doing? Last time I saw you, you were pregnant, that was a while ago! Norah is such a cutie, Congrats! Jack is in the AIT program, he wraps it up in October/November. It has been great and he really loves it. His cousin was an administrator and he just networked though him and got an interview, he works for Evergreen Healthcare based out of Vancouver, Washington. He is also starting grad school online in August. He is going to USC, getting his masters in Gerontology. I know that his company is not currently hiring AIT's right now but if we hear anything we will let you know! You can e-mail me if you have anymore questions We would love to help out any way possible. It was good to hear from you!
ok so i thought this was funny but you might not. i was taking an order over the phone at work and this girl called. i swear she sounded just like you. her laugh was the made me miss you. haha love the pics of you guys!!!
ReplyDeleteLauren- Thanks for the update on Norah. It's fun to hear what she is doing and how big she is getting. I bet she'll be walking when we see her, can't wait!--Viv