
To Live For

You know, I'm the kind of person who eats to live, not lives to eat. But, Norah and I are in Jersey and all I know is that I'm getting all that I possibly can of this..and these..and these..

and this..

Oh how I've missed you, food.

You non-East Coasters don't know what you're missing.

The End.


I Love Gauchos

When I was pregnant with Norah pretty much all I wore were gaucho pants and comfy skirts. It was summertime and those were the two things I was most comfortable in, all the time. For some reason I had a heck of a hard time finding more gaucho pants at the time (guess they were "out of style" or something). So this time around, I've been on the lookout for more.

Here's the deal you don't want to miss: Target's "daily deal" (meaning, today only!) is BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Junior's gaucho pants (go here). Not only that, but you get free shipping AND an extra 20% off (enter the code URTYJLI8 at checkout). Do the math people, that comes to $4 each. You have to buy two to get the deal. SWEET! So go before they're gone!

Update: Just a couple of hours after I made this post, they completely sold out! Crazy! I guess I'm lucky I snagged two pairs!


An Update

Now that our blog is "private," I feel more at ease enough to delve into the very detail of our lives. Ok, maybe not so much, but I do feel more comfortable sharing more about our experiences! Remember, this post? Yeah, that I'm-so-grateful-for-everything-I-have post? The day after I wrote that post (get this, day after), our landlord informed us that we had 30 days to move out of our duplex due to major renovations they want to pursue. Lesson learned: when life seems too comfortable, get ready for a curve ball! My immediate reaction was dangit, I like it here, we pay an amazing price, we won't be able to find anything like this for this price, etc. (I think I might have slipped something out like, "Do they REALIZE they are throwing out a PREGNANT woman?!") But, I accepted it and began to look for alternative places to live. Within a week of that time, Joe was informed that due to downsizing at work, he was being "let go." WHAT? I was in shock. When I told my Mom, she replied, "Really, could there be a worse situation for you guys right now?" It took me a couple hours to "marinate" the situation - when it clicked. After which I welcomed that huge blessing with open arms! Joe has been looking for another job for some time, he just didn't have much time to interview and really pursue options. This was the "push" he needed to really get him moving in the right direction (although, it was an ugly push because no one likes to be "let go"). Another blessing? We had no rental contract tying us down - we could go anywhere! There are other blessings that have followed, including several job opportunities. After much prayer, we feel that we've made the right decision. So, short story long - we are moving to Virginia! Yes, folks, this will be the 5th state we've lived in in the 3 years we have been married. Yes, this is our 9th move.

We will settle down and grow some roots, someday.

Right now we are enjoying the ride our Heavenly Father has set in front of us and realizing each step of the way that "all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good." (Doctrine & Covenants 122:7).

One Dolla

If you are lucky enough to live within driving distance of an Ikea store, I highly suggest you make the trip this weekend. They are offering their Swedish meatball plate which includes 10 meatballs, mashed potatoes and their amazing lingonberry sauce for $1 from now through Sunday. If you haven't had them before, you need to try them. They are amazing. The end.


Recycled T-Shirt

I made this headband entirely out of a recycled old t-shirt. Pretty cool if you ask me! I'm not so happy with the flower shape, so I'll have to modify that in the future, but this will be an item I will offer in my Etsy shop in all sorts of fun colors. I love it because the band is incredibly stretchy yet tough and it's got a rugged look that I love too.