

Look how big Norah is! Holy cow. She seriously had a seriously serious growth spurt recently.
{those seriously's were intentional}
Binkie babies. Notice how worn out Norah's is in the front. It's the last one we have and once it's gone - no more bink's!

Isn't it funny how sometimes we think we know what we want but we have no idea? I was thinking about this concept recently. I thought I wanted a boy first for reasons like having a big tough older brother to protect the young. Our appointment came and it was a girl. I thought I wanted another girl for reasons like they could play with the same toys and wear the same clothes. Our appointment came and it was a boy. Of course now I am SO glad and grateful that these two little spirits were sent to us when they were. Little Mommy's helper. Little buddy to kiss on. One of each. Perfect. I'm lovin' it. And hey, shopping for two new wardrobes every season is kind of fun.


Every post looks much the same these days. Except Ivan gets a little chubbier in each one. This is pretty much what my days look like. I'm not complainin'.

Have I mentioned how Joe (since April 1st) works from 10am to 11pm? Have I mentioned he works Monday thru Saturday? Have I mentioned we have one car? Have I mentioned I am taking 6 credits? Have I mentioned I have finals this week? Have I mentioned that Ivan doesn't seem to think he needs to sleep at night? Have I mentioned how tired I am?

Ok, maybe I'm complaining.

Luckily, there is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel (a light in the form of a cruise to the Bahamas). Two more months, we can do this! I can't wait to feel like a "normal" family again. You know, that 9-5, home for dinner, tuck the kids in together kinda thing. Huge props to Joe because what he does is not easy and most people would have quit months ago. He works so hard and it's all for us. Of that I am grateful for! Still, this pseudo-single Mom of two-under-two thing is no bueno. It's hard (major respect for my Mom now!) but hey, we're doing it. Because of the lack of sleep, I find that my patience runs thinner with Norah than is typical of me. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or burnt out, all I have to do is sit down and read a blog like this one (which brought me to tears, btw) and remind myself of how I don't want to spend my days doing anything else and I never want to imagine my life without her, tantrums and all. It's sad that we as mother's sometimes need that reminder.


I probably have mentioned that I have an addiction to crafts, especially when I'm stressed. Some people drink. Some people eat. I NEED to CREATE. So, look forward to some crafty posts in the near future (or far future, it depends). Because despite the fact that I feel like I wouldn't touch a sewing machine with a ten foot pole for another two years, I have.


  1. I know it is hard but you do it so well! You are a great ma-ma. Happy birthday baby girl! Love you!

  2. Lauren! Hang in there! I can only imagine. :( You're supermom!! :)

  3. Lauren-
    YOu can do it! What you're doing IS hard work (especially with little/no sleep) but you're a great mom and you ROCK. "Just keep swimming." I hope you had a good birthday.--Love Vivian
