
July's iPhone Pictures

Here are the monthly de-uploadtion (I just made that up) of the iPhone pictures.

Boys will be boys.
Sales guys doing their job. Anyone home?

Thanks to Joe's cousin Jenny for the AMAZING chocolate ice cream cake! Yum.
This is one of our favorite recent pictures of Norah. She was thrilled about the sandbox. See the shirt she's wearing? I made it. See, I told you I'd be posting something crafty. Ha.
Little bean looking cute. He has very expressive eyebrows but they are so blonde that they just look like dimples. Reminds me of a little cartoon character.
The bug crashed.

I'm DONE with classes and the kids and I are heading to Jersey for a week.

{we'll miss you, Daddy}


  1. Hey there! Don't be fooled...even though I never comment like I should on your blog I look at it every time you post something new. That baby boy of yours is so super cute! And it sounds like you guys are doing good. :) Justin and I miss you guys and still wish you lived close to us! We have no friends now that you left the ward! So, I have a question for you, one of my friends that got a scripture cover that you made had it ruined by her little girl and really wants another one but doesn't know the best way to get a hold of you! So, I told her I would ask you about it. :) Let me know!

  2. Congrats Lauren- you deserve a nice break. I hope you have fun in Jersey. Happy belated b-day. Your kids are so cute. I wish we could see them.--Viv
