
I Love My Babies!

The little man! Of course my brother doesn't like that we call him that and thinks we should call him "the big guy" instead. Sorry, he's just too cute. Ivan is the first grandson (#4 grandchild) on my side and #36 on Joe's!
Roarrr..I tried to get a few of the bug, you know, to keep things even but obviously she just tunes me out! Shout out to Daddy for the part-down-the-middle-big-clips-on-each-side-hair-do she's got goin on! (ha ha :) And she wouldn't take that raincoat of for 3 days (regardless of the 90 degree weather). She is so much fun! I need to start doing more Norah updates because she is changing so much and I just want to freeze her in time! She says the cutest things.


  1. oh my cute...i love it! cutie kids, love you guys!!

  2. they are both so cute! and 36 grandchildren! woah! that's a lot! i can only imagine the family get-togethers!

  3. I can't wait!!!!! I wish we lived next door to each other :( You better settle soon so we can work on that!

  4. Nice hair Norah. That's more than I do for my girls hair, I'm impressed. They are both getting big and changing quickly.-Viv
