
This Day in Brown History

It has been almost exactly a year since we packed up everything we owned (again) and moved across the country to this blessed land of Utah. OK I could go on and on about the things I don't like about living here (INVERSION, cold, desert, no trees, inversion, cold, did I mention inversion?), but I won't. As I reflect on the past year, I am grateful. I'm grateful for the good people we've met and great friends we've made. I'm grateful for employment. I'm grateful to be a mother. I'm grateful that I can stay home with my children. I'm grateful for our growing little family. I'm grateful for extended family. I'm grateful for the SUN. I'm grateful for all the challenges, the joy, the ups and downs. I'm grateful for the Lord's hand in our life as we look back and think, "How the heck did we make it?!" It's not always easy, but I have everything I need and more, and I am grateful.

Here is a picture of the bug taken exactly a year ago, just before we left New Jersey:
Oh, the bug. She makes me so happy. Everyday with her is just more and more fun. I just have to add a recent little story. The other morning, I was taking my time getting out of bed. I have to if I want to keep anything down. Anyway, Joe and Norah were on his side of the bed and Norah was looking at a picture of us from when we were dating. She pointed to Joe and signed "hat." Joe responded, "Umm no that's not a hat. That's Daddy with hair." LOL. I just about died laughing. (Did I just use "LOL?" First and only time folks.)


  1. Love! Hands down…That was my favorite post yet. Thanks for being the most amazing wife in the world! I can't wait to come home and hear from Norah, “DADDAAAAAAAA!!!”
    and then get a then get a long belly in the way hug from you and womb child in baking for 150 more days.
    I LOVEST THOU and the life the Lord has blessed us with! We might not have a lot... but with eachother I think we have Heaven!
    Joe Love

  2. Norah is adorable!!! And hello.......congrats on baby #2! That is so exciting, i hope you are feeling well!!!!
