
Mother's Day

Well it was my first official Mother's Day as a Mommy and I have to say, I kind of like the holiday. Joe took care of Norah most of the day while I got a "break." I slept in and got breakfast in bed. I got a new (used) dresser and some spring clothes! Man, I have the best hubby! We spent the majority of the day at a cabin in American Fork canyon. It was beautiful and a lot of fun. I thought the picture above was kind of funny because Joe really wanted a picture of us in front of the mountain but the mountain is totally whited out and it looks like we're posing in front of some brown trees! Anyway, I savored my last few minutes of Mother's Day and didn't want it to end! Tonight I will get on a plane with Norah and fly to Portland where I'll spend a week with my sister and her family to celebrate Will's graduation from Oregon Law. Go Will! Wish me luck on the plane!!


  1. haha I was only teasing about the pregnant comment. Sounds like your mother's day was great! I sure love it. :o) Good luck on the trip. Tell morgan, will and the kiddos Hi for me!

  2. Hey I meant to call on sunday and wish you a Happy mother's day! you are such a cute mom, sounded like a good day. good luck on the plane, have fun
