
Oquirrh Mountain

Two Friday's ago we went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house with our friends Shar (who happened to be almost 40 weeks pregnant) and Travis and their little girl, Kapria. They are in our new Ward and we are so glad, we really enjoy hanging out with them. This is the second new temple in our area since we moved here to Utah. We are so blessed to have them so close. You can actually stand on the Oquirrh Temple's grounds and see the Draper temple and the Jordan River temple. It's amazing. It was fun to watch Norah's reaction as we walked through. She was very animated and would point at all the pictures and babble. It's almost like she is comfortable there. Not only did I love the temple but I fell in love with the surrounding neighborhood. If you are in the market for a house, check it out here. It's awesome because the houses are so different (not a cookie-cutter-box-home village), they each have character and they are designed after older homes which I love. It's only missing one thing; trees - but I guess the lake in the middle of the development can account for that. Here are some pictures!
It was windy, ok?

Travis insisted on not taking this picture because of the sun. Shar won.

Sharing fishies and strollers.

1 comment:

  1. it was so fun to hang out (despite long lines & overpriced dinners :0)

    the photos are cute - can you send them to me?
