
Breaking News!!

Norah can WALK! I say "can walk" and not "is walking" because she still prefers to crawl (so much easier). Yesterday she took her first substantial number of steps (across the living room) for the first time! OK, so not that breaking in news but we were pretty thrilled. It is soo cute.
Terrible picture quality, I know.
So I put her on the other side of the room and this is what I got:

Oh and I finally got a good shot of her first teethies:
OK two more just because she's cute:
Just woke up and as happy as a clam.
(is that even a phrase?)

Really happy about her new shoes Daddy bought her.


  1. Things have just flown since coming back from Utah. I was going to put a comment last week but I got busy at work. Way to go Norah!! Zander still has no teeth and is climbing along the side of everything, but no first steps. I am not complaining, his older brothers keep us pretty busy. Anyway, talk to ya later.

  2. Oh, fun! I love her longer hair!
    I got Norah a super cute bathing suit for next year for $2 that I'll bring up.

  3. Oh my word! That's great. Those pictures of her teeth are adorable!!

  4. So I just want to apologize for what jerks we are. I am sorry that we missed you guys during our trip down to Utah. I guess we ended up having the wrong phone nbrs and really no connection to the internet. So I am sorry. I hope you guys don't hate us please know that we tried..we ll have to plan on it another time. I am so sorry but I hope you had a great birthday and much love from the horrocks clan.

  5. She is SOOO cute! I can't believe she "can walk"! :) That is awesome!
