
I'm Still Alive!

No pictures on this one but I just wanted to post a quick update for those of you wondering if I was still breathing. This week has been a crazy one. Joe has been in Utah for a week so I'm left doing the single mom thing. Holy cow!! I don't know how women do it. Between Owen whining to go poo at 6 am and Norah spitting up all over me at 2:30 am, I am SO ready to have my husband back. Man, that little girl is lucky she is so cute! Norah is getting so cute and fun (I think I say that every week) but really, she is. She is so giggly and smiley all the time and I love playing with her. The sleep thing is improving now that we have started her on solids. The routine for the past few days has been dinner at 5:30, bath, nurse, then bed. She has been sleeping pretty well until 6:30am which I can handle. I consider it a good night when I can't remember what happened but somehow she ends up next to me in the morning.


  1. did you guys decide if you will be moving?

  2. "I consider it a good night when I can't remember what happened but somehow she ends up next to me in the morning." hahahaha...that is SO true!
