

Joe was offered a job at Liberty Mutual yesterday and will be "officially" accepting it on Tuesday. Hooray! We are so very grateful and excited. The four long months, a ton of hard work, a lot of patience and prayers have finally paid off. Love you babe! So if anyone is looking for some sweet insurance, Joe's your man.


  1. Congratulations you guys!!! Its so nice when you finally get a job that you want. Good luck and hope he loves it!

  2. Hey I finally got one of these. Your baby is adorable. I want to come visit you guys, let me kno your schedule so we can catch up!

  3. Congratulations Joe! You are good at whatever you do! You will do awesome! My blog went private so send me and email and I will invite you!

  4. Congrats guys we are happy for you! You have been persistent and faithful. We love you three!

  5. Hip Hip Hooray! We are so happy to hear about the job. I used to be an insurance agent and I love Liberty Mutual. They are a good company and have great products.
