
Alive and Kickin'!

Here is where I apologize for never updating the blog and yadda yadda yadda. Truth is: I'm busy and tired. That's my excuse. The end.

I do plan on updating with pictures soon but I wanted to get on here and share a few awesome websites I have found. One of the reasons I have been so busy is that I'm developing my own preschool curriculum for Norah. She's not ready YET, but she is showing some signs of interest and readiness, so I'm preparing! Ok, so here they are..

#1 Mighty Book Jr.
This site is home to over 900 adorable animated books. They are well made and interesting for ages 2-10. Their mission is to is to "help children discover the joys of learning to read with books that captivate their imagination and hold their interest." Love. It. And so does Norah. The membership fee is normally $99/year. On their website, you can sign up for a two-week free trial. BUT if you use the code learntoread on the registration page, you get ONE WHOLE FULL YEAR FREE. You don't even have to enter any CC info. Type. Click. Done. Pure awesomeness. Am I the only one excited about this?

#2 We Give Books
This website is on my top 5 list of all-time favorite websites in history (get my point?) Here is how it works: you create an account for FREE, choose which organization you want to support. For each book you read online (did I mention it was free?), they donate a book to that organization. Amazing. Here is one of my favorites that Norah and I read together recently: See How They Grow: Duck.

Update in a nutshell for you lurkers (just kidding): Joe is in Idaho for 3 weeks (6 more days!) Waaa! The kids and I are in Jersey packin' up, packin' up, packin' up, paaackin' up my Grandma (go here if you don't know what I'm referencing). My Grandma sold her house (waaa), my Mom's house is for sale (anyone? anyone?) and they are buying a house together. Norah is SO BIG. She is officially 2-and-a-half. Can't believe that. She says the funniest things every day and is constantly making me laugh. Ivan is chunky as ever and we are loving him. He is a pure joy to have in our family. I'm in school, full-time, online. Did I mention I was busy?


  1. Lauren, Lauren, Lauren how do you do it? You are amazing. Thank you for sharing. This post is definitely worth it even sans photos. We are going to those websites today! I am finding that i need more computer time for my kids as I just became rs pres. I love educational sites, so much better to have quilt-free comp. time for them.
    I didn't even know Joe was gone. Work? Rental duty? Well, I will send some love beams over along with a few prayers for you and your fam! btw good job!

  2. Oooh, fun websites. Thanks!! I can't believe you're going to school full time, good for you! How are you staying sane? :)

  3. wow busy momma! I hope you have a blast teaching norah preschool at home! I sure have LOVED this year with Brook and watching her learn and grow. I can't believe she'll be in 2nd grade next year and i'll be starting Mason in kindergarten!!!! ahh! where does the time go!?
    Anyway! just have fun cause it goes by way too fast!

  4. It's true, you are amazing! Thanks for the info and update. Tell your mom and gma 'hi'. Hope all goes well for them and for you.--Viv
