
Pictures Pictures Pictures (Longest Post Ever)

Wow, the last (full) post I made was in November. Dang, so much for that resolution to blog more. So to play catch up..

For Thanksgiving we made the trip up to NJ and spent it with my family (minus my sister and nieces, tear). It was a great weekend. My Mom and Grandma spoiled us (like always) and took us to Bethlehem, PA for a craft-fair-type shindig. Here's Norah and Nay Nay waiting for the bus.

Daddy and Ivan all bundled up.
Yep, that's Norah on stage! That girl surprises us all the time. She was not one bit shy to get up in front of the audience and show her stuff. In fact, we had to convince her to come down!
Nay Nay also bought tickets for us to go see the play called "Babes in Toyland" at a little local Theater. It was Norah's second play (the first was Busytown) and she loved it.
Kind of a creepy looking theater from the outside, I guess.

Once again Norah surprised us when we found out she is not the least bit scared of Santa. She is actually quite fascinated with him and could not wait to sit on his lap.
Kind of a creepy Santa, if you ask me (what's up Ivan!)

Occasionally Norah earns a piece of her leftover Halloween candy. She is so funny because she just stares at it until she decides which one she wants. When I asked her, are you going to pick one? She said, "Not yet, Mom."
Good morning!
First snow!
Happy boy.
Cute little Christmas outfits.
Little Who girl.
Christmas Eve was spent at home. We had Joe's cousin Jenny, her family and the missionaries over for dinner. It was so nice and relaxing.Wow, we need some window treatments and something right there on that wall. Yep, that one.
Norah loves loves loves her second cousins, Houston and Brady.
Christmas morning, the kids and some of their loot!
Daddy's gift to Norah was some "princess" clothes.
A few days after Christmas we flew out to Utah for Joe's oldest niece's wedding. Here is Joe with his parents and all of his siblings. It was so fun to see them all together again.
Norah and her cousin Olivia. They were born three days apart. They are so cute, we wish we lived closer (and when I say that, I mean I wish you lived closer Kristine! Montana is not for me! hehe).
The kids were angels on the plane.
(not really, but I'm trying to be more positive this year)


Happy to be home and playing in Ivan's crib.


  1. Awesome post Lauren. We had a great time with you here in UT. We miss you all.--Viv

  2. So cute Lauren, I can't believe how big your babies are getting and I still need to meet them!
