
Ivan is 3.5 months old!

Here are some recent pictures of our sweet little man. He is so much fun. He loves to snuggle. He is a chunk, he weighs 15 pounds! Oh my goodness, I love him. And to think I was ever afraid of having a boy... He just melts my heart.
Joe's mother saved some of his childhood clothes (amazing, right?!) so we were excited to start putting them on Ivan. They are authentic retro, we love them all (thanks Diane!). Ivan looks so much like his Daddy, I love it.


  1. He's such a cutie! I just can't believe how bald he is! haha
    He is so handsome though! I hope your enjoying every minute. :)

  2. So cute! He does look like Joe, especially in the first photo. -Viv

  3. He is so so cute! How can you stand it? I agree with Viv! I remember well baby Joe!
