yes, it's true.
my husband would tell you that i have crafter's-ADD.
this means that i find a project i like and i nearly obsess about it.
i'll do it whenever i get a free minute.
then i find another project (completely irrelevant to last stated project),
and suddenly i'm obsessed with it.
am i the only one with this condition?
here is my latest:
norah dresses made from recycled t-shirts.
love them because:
a. they are each unique.
you won't see one just like it walkin' down the street
(the same reason i love all things handmade)
b. they are incredibly inexpensive (cost me oh, maybe $2 tops, each)
c. they are comfy (at least they look comfy to me)
d. they have lots of room for growin'!
she'll be wearin that green and blue on til she goes to kindergarten,
well maybe.
no, her toe is not breaking off in the above picture.yes, her toes are really that hypermobile.
if only this chicka let me put piggies in her hair. look at that long messy hair!ok, now go obsess over your own t-shirt dresses.